FECOP March Newsletter and Projects Update
The Voice of Sport Fishing in Costa Rica
1. Operation Sailfish Update
2. FECOP Joins Canatur
3. Pescadora Women’s Tournament
4. Todd Staley Wins IGFA Conservation Award
Operation Sailfish (Update)

Marine Management within Incopesca. A follow up meeting was coordinated with Incopesca´s Executive President and the Vice Minister of Agriculture. A technical report was submitted in February and a series of questions were received from INCOPESCA. A second document was presented in early March to address all comments. FECOP is expecting that the report and request for protection for #sailfish will be forwarded to ICNOPESCA’s Scientific Commission for review so a recommendation can mebe made to the Board of Directors. For more information and to learn how to get involved you can write us at info@fecop.org.
FECOP is now member of the Board in CANATUR

Pescadora and Sailfish Slam Tournaments

Mar representatives promoted and sold their artisanal lures among 250 women anglers. FECOP shared the Operation Sailfish main objectives and received great feedback and support for this important campaign. Also, in march we promoted Operation Sailfish in the Sailfish Slam Tournament, where we received support from crews and participants. FECOP staff members had the chance to share our message at the awards ceremony. We are very grateful with Marina Pez Vela for all the support.