Download Scientific Studies by FECOP

The Science Behind Sustainable Fishing Policies
Sailfish Study
Sailfish Study by Dr Marina Marrari
Longline Study
Longline Study by Mar Viva and FECOP
Impact Study
Sport Fishing Impact Study
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Fishing tourism represents a vital industry in Costa Rica, generating over US$520 million and attracting 150,000 tourists every year. The main objective of this study is to examine trends and variability in local abundances of sailfish Istiophorus platypterus, the main sportfish in Pacific waters of Costa Rica, and quantify the influence of environmental and anthropogenic factors. We compiled and analyzed sailfish information collected from sportfishing operations. Sailfish abundances were examined in relation to environmental conditions and commercial fishing.
During 2018 the Costa Rican Fishing Federation conducted two research projects on the impact of the activity at macroeconomic and local levels. Both were possible thanks to the support of the sector (marinas, captains, hotels, first mate, among others) in the data collection process.