Costa Rica’s Vice Minister of Agriculture calls for reform of Sailfish regulations

New Regulations for Costa Rica sailfish would greatly benefit Costa Rica’s tourism sector and national economy Todd Staley May 24, 2021 Published by Tico Times A crowd had gathered at…

Costa Rica tuna cannery’s effect on costal communities

Costa Rica tuna cannery’s effect on costal communities by Todd Staley Published by The Tico Times Alimentos Pro Salud S.A., the Puntarenas Company that produces a variety of different brands…

bycatch by commercial fishing fleet
Costa Rica’s tuna regulations affect dolphins and national fishermen

Weak tuna regulations continue to risk Costa Rica’s precious marine resources The fight to push commercial fishing fleets 200 miles offshore continues – part one of two For more than…

purse seine boat
Costa Rica retrasa protección de delfines

FECOP, la Federación Costarricense de Pesca, expresó su decepción por el retraso de una reforma de la ley de atún que habría brindado una mejor protección a los delfines y…

Purse Seine Fishing Dolphins Harrassed
Costa Rica Delays Protection of Dolphins

SAN JOSE, Costa Rica, March 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — FECOP, the Costa Rican Fishing Federation, expressed their disappointment in the delay of a tuna law reform that would have given…

Illegal fishing kills Costa Rica marine life and tourism in Golfo Dulce and Southern Zone

Illegal fishing practices in places like Costa Rica’s Osa Peninsula threaten marine life and tourism From The Tico Times Costa Rica The Osa Peninsula has always been considered the “wild…

Protección de delfines se atrasa por retiro de proyectos del atún

Protección de delfines se atrasa por retiro de proyectos del atún de la corriente legislativa Cada día que pasa sin que se ordene el uso del recurso atunero del país,…

100 mile fishing limit closer
Costa Rica Moves Toward 100-mile Limit for Purse Seiners

100 Mile Limit for Purse Seine Fishing Closer to a Reality Article by Doug Olander, Fishing and Travel Magazine In December, Costa Rica’s Commission of Agriculture Affairs voted to extend…

Stripe Marlin with Bait Out of water
How to Catch Striped Marlin – World’s Best Captains Chime In

How to catch striped marlin – Tips from the Pros Tips and tricks from the top striped marlin captains in the world Although these captains are not fishing striped marlin…

Blooms of Yellow in Trees Signal Sailfish Season is Approaching in Costa Rica

Fishing Costa Rica: Tie a Ribbon Around the Yellow Sailfish Tree By Todd Staley January 1, 2022 Published for The Tico Times It’s that time of year again for the…