Decisiones de manejo pesquero sin criterio técnico pueden afectar actividades de economía azul en Costa Rica

WhatsApp Facebook Twitter Este jueves en el plenario legislativo, la diputada Kattia Cambronero denunció que el Incopesca suspendió otra prohibición pesquera sin estudios técnicos. Se interrumpió la prohibición de pescar…

sailfish in danger in Costa Rica
Devastating News for Costa Rican Sport Fishing and Tourism

WhatsApp Facebook Twitter INCOPESCA (the Fishery governing entity in Costa Rica) demonstrated once again their disdain for the sport fishing / tourist sector. The sport fishing /tourist fishing sector is…

¿ Pesca de atún de cerco amenaza a los delfines en Costa Rica?

Damián Martínez-Fernández Director de Conservación y Política Pública de la Federación Costarricense de Pesca FECOP. Costa Rica tiene un largo historial de acciones y normas que protegen a los mamíferos…

Fishing out of Crocodile Bay inshore
Fishing Costa Rica… Making Lemonade out of Lemons

WhatsApp Facebook X Email A rainy day turns into an inshore fishing extravaganza in Southern Costa Rica Diego Torian visited Costa Rica again recently to film another episode of his…

La pesca de atún de cerco amenaza a los delfines en Costa Rica

Costa Rica tiene un largo historial de acciones y normas que protegen a los mamíferos marinos.  Convenciones internacionales, leyes y decretos se han encargado de robustecer el paradigma verde que…

Guatemala Conservation Meeting Leads to Bucket List Fishing Trip

Costa Rica should pay attention to the way Guatemala protects sailfish from commercialization and its affect on sport fishing tourism in the country Due to smart billfish conservation, Guatemala is…

Costa Rica Marinas Observe Worlds Ocean Day

Celebrating World Ocean Day in Costa Rica Respect the Ocean! By Todd Staley Published by The Tico Times June 5, 2023 As I prepare for yet another surgery this week…

The Dirty Business of Costa Rica Conservation……. Part Two

By Todd Staley (published for The Tico Times) May 25, 2023 (Courtesy Public Security Ministry) FECOP’s first major accomplishment was the creation of the largest Marine Responsible Fishing Area in…

Sailfish Conservation in Costa Rica
The Dirty Business of Costa Rica Conservation……. Part One

By Todd Staley (published for The Tico Times) May 5, 2023 I really love conservation work. The politics of conservation can at times be quite frustrating, and the business of…

Todd Staley and his grandson
Costa Rica Expat Living: My Kid Brother

Watching kids fishing in the pueblo brings back memories of my kid brother From the Captain’s Vault by Todd Staley This week would have been my little brother´s birthday. He´s…