Costa Rica Expat Living: My Kid Brother

Fishing with kids in Costa Rica Watching kids fishing in the pueblo brings back memories By Todd Staley March 30, 2023 Published for The Tico Times This week would have…

Costa Rica’s New Sailfish Ruling, Conservation or Smoke and Mirrors?

New ruling to reduce sailfish bycatch not all that it appears The Casa Presidencial recently announced a ruling by INCOPESCA of a reduction in the amount of incidental catch allowed…

Womens Nautical School Costa Rica
Costa Rica’s Women’s Nautical School: promoting labor inclusion for women in Guanacaste

Costa Rica’s Women’s Nautical School: promoting labor inclusion for women in Guanacaste By Ileana Fernandez December 13, 2022 Women’s Nautical School is a project led by Jokselin López and her…

Fighting Illegal Fishing in Costa Rica With Virtual Reality

By Ileana Fernandez FECOP organized a training course for approximately thirty officials using virtual reality technologies. The main objective was to raise awareness and training personnel on applying the Fisheries…

Costa Rica Takes a Step Forward in Protecting Sailfish

Good News – Government excludes sailfish from basic food basket “Canasta Basica” The Costa Rican Fishing Federation (FECOP), the National Chamber of Tourism (Canatur), the Costa Rica Tourist Marina Concessionaires…

sailfish and marlin tagging map
Sailfish and Blue Marlin Tag Data Maps and Infographics

Facts, Sources and Infographics Link to full PDF in English and Español Blue Marlin (Makaira nigricans) Current all tackle record: 1376 lbs (624.14 kg) (IFGA) What is their average size…

SAILFISH protection in costa rica
Medio ambiente en Costa Rica: Un paso hacia adelante, dos pasos hacia atrás en la gestión de los océanos

Un paso hacia adelante, dos pasos hacia atrás en la gestión de los océanos Por Todd Staley 7 de octubre de 2022 Justo cuando pensamos que tal vez las cosas…

Sailfish in Danger
Costa Rica’s Sailfish Populations Are Once Again Facing Immediate Danger

Costa Rica Environment: 1 Step Forward, 2 Steps Back in Ocean Management Help keep Sailfish OUT of the “Canasta Basica” Published by The Tico Times By Todd Staley October 7,…

Costa Rica's congress approves tuna reform bill
La Federación Costarricense de Pesca Agradece a la Asamblea Legislativa

Por escoger nuestros océanos, delfines, pescadores nacionales y generaciones futuras por sobre los intereses particulares de ciertos grupos, limitando a las embarcaciones de pesca de atún con cerco más allá…

A Thank You Letter to Congress for Passing the Tuna Reform Bill

Thank you to Costa Rica’s Legislative Assembly for passing the tuna reform bill Thank you… For choosing our oceans, dolphins, national fishermen and future generations over the particular interests of…