The Sailfish Lobby in Costa Rica

FECOP is lobbying the Costa Rican government to ban the commercial sale of Pacific sailfish like this one. Published for Marlin Magazine An important special-interest organization presses for no-sale status…

Sailfish Conservation in Costa Rica
How Long Does It Take a Billfish to Recover After It’s Caught and Released?

What impact does sport fishing have on billfish? A new study provides the most complete picture to date of how marlin and sailfish respond to being caught and released by…

yellowfin tuna in costa rica
Costa Rica Finally Passes Tuna Reform Law

After three years of being bounced around between two sets of representatives from congress, the Tuna reform law finally became law. There are two parts of the law which are…

Asamblea aprueba ley que amplía zona costera de exclusión de pesca industrial de atún a 80 millas de la costa

Federación Costarricense de Pesca (FECOP) agradece a la Asamblea Legislativa la aprobación del proyecto de ley sobre riqueza atunera San José, 12 de agosto del 2022 La Federación Costarricense de…

Costa Rica Celebrates World Oceans Day 2022

Costa Rica Celebrates World Oceans Day 2022 Revitalization: collective action for the ocean The ocean covers over 70% of the planet. It is our life source, supporting humanity’s sustenance and…

Tuna Time
A Letter to the New Congress of Costa Rica

A Letter to Costa Rica’s New Congress By Todd Staley published for The Tico Times First congratulations on being selected to your new position. You have accepted a difficult and…

10 Tuna Fish Facts – Celebrating World Tuna Day 2022

Celebrating Sustainable Fishing on World Tuna Day 2022 Tuna History, Significance And 10 Tuna Fish Facts You May Not Know About https://news.abplive.com World Tuna Day 2022: Rich in Omega-3, minerals,…

Sailfish Fishing Conservation
FECOP Conservation – Wish List for Costa Rica’s New Government

Sport Fishing and Conservation – A Wish List for Costa Rica’s Incoming Governement Article courtesy The Tico Times I´m in my mid-thirties living in the Caribbean jungle of Costa Rica…

A Tattoo called him to Costa Rica

A Tatoo On a Fishing Guide’s Leg in Alaska Set His Journey in Motion Todd Staley April 4, 2022 While fishing at Scott Lake Lodge in Canada, Tom Olivo noticed…

FECOP Noticias Marzo 2022 – En Español

BOLETIN NRO. 4 – FECOP En Acción 1. Operación Pez Vela 2. Premio IGFABarry M. Fitzpatrick 3. Torneo Pescadora y Sailfish Slam 4. FECOP en la Junta Directiva de CANATUR…