Costa Rica’s Marine Resources – Sport Fishing Isn’t The Problem

Reader Not Fond of ‘Torturing Fish’ — but Sport Fishing in Costa Rica isn’t The Problem By Todd Staley from the Tico Times – Sport Fishing in Costa Rica I…

Costa Rica Sailfish Tagging
Young biologist’s only sailfish trophies are tissue samples

Young Biologist Studies Sailfish in Costa Rica The sailfish popped up in the spread lit up in an iridescent purple hue. This fish was hungry and vigorously slashed the teaser…

Tuna Purse Seine Bycatch Costa Rica
Costa Rica’s Outlook Bright for Anglers

New fisheries director Moises Mug, former director for a sport-fishing advocacy group, understands the importance of the country’s marine resources. By Todd Staley Published for Sport Fishing Magazine Updated: July…

sustainable tuna caught on greenstick
Greenstick fishing offers an alternative to longline fishing with virtually no bycatch.

Costa Rica Approves Greenstick Tuna Licenses Greenstick fishing offers an alternative to longline fishing with virtually no bycatch. By Todd Staley Updated: May 22, 2018 Costa Rica Approves Greenstick Tuna…

Juvenile tarpon found on Pacfic
Tarpon in Pacific Costa Rica Focus of New Study

FECOP, a Costa Rica sport-fishing advocacy and conservation organization, has announced an unprecedented study to unlock secrets of Atlantic tarpon now living in the Pacific. By Todd Staley Originally Published…

Fishermen Report More Tuna, Dolphin Along Pacific Coast

Fishermen report more tuna, dolphin along Pacific coast Fishermen along Costa Rica’s Pacific coastline are reporting an increase in tuna schools and dolphin pods. (Courtesy of FECOP) Fishermen and tourism…