Criminal Snook Investigation

CSI Costa Rica: Criminal Snook Investigation A Fishing Mystery Special Feature by Todd Staley It started when a fishing rod resting in a rod holder on one of our Strike…

Arriving in Puerto Jimenez – Where the Crocodiles and Jaguars Play

It seems like yesterday that I made my first visit to Puerto Jimenez. It was well over 20 years ago. As I passed over the Golfo Dulce in the Travelair…

Archie Fields
My Time at Rio Colorado Lodge: Remembering Fishing Legend Archie Fields

My Time at Rio Colorado Lodge: Remembering Costa Rica Fishing Legend Archie Fields From the Captain’s Vault Printed for the Tico Times by Todd Staley Archie Fields, a giant of…

In Costa Rica It’s Not Always About the Fish – An Anglers Asside

It’s Not Always About the Fish Earth Day Feature by Todd Staley, Communications Director FECOP One of the most exciting days fishing I ever had was in a lagoon in…

Expat Living: A Lesson in Costa Rica Jungle Culture

Tales From a Costa Rica Expat Living in the Jungle By Todd Staley Published for The Tico Times I have always loved animals. I get along with almost all of…