What’s in the Costa Rica Sport Fishing Impact Study?
During 2018 the Costa Rican Fishing Federation conducted two research projects on the impact of the activity at macroeconomic and local levels. Both were possible thanks to the support of the sector (marinas, captains, hotels, first mate, among others) in the data collection process. The first part of this document presents a compilation and analysis of some macroeconomic data on sport and charter fishing in Costa Rica. The second part presents an analysis derived from the investigation of seven communities of importance for this activity, where the focus of the analysis is on the quality and livelihood of the population working in this economic sector. We appreciate the participation of those who were involved, both in the collection of data in the communities by our interviewers Mariano Barrantes and Yerling Villalobos, as well as all the people in the sport and charter fishing sector who provided us with valuable information.
Download Our Sport Fishing Impact Study
Fishing tourism in Costa Rica creates more than 60,000 direct and indirect jobs, as well as a contribution of nearly 500 million dollars to Costa Rica’s gross domestic product, are among the benefits obtained from Sport Fishing activities in Costa Rica. Help us lead the charge for responsible fishing practices.