IN MEMORIUM: TODD STALEY MARLIN Magazine 1 May 2024 The Costa Rican sport-fish­ing scene lost one of its biggest advoc­ates when Todd Sta­ley passed away in early Feb­ru­ary after a…

In Memoriam:  IGFA Representative and Barry M. Fitzpatrick Conservation Awardee, Todd Staley

The IGFA joins the sport fishing community in mourning the recent loss of IGFA Representative and Barry M. Fitzpatrick Conservation Awardee, Todd Staley, a beloved figure in the world of…

Sailfish get some help
Sport Fishing Tourism in Costa Rica gets a win….Maybe

Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Email Print Thanks to public pressure from Congresswoman Kattia Cambronero and FECOP, the sport fishing lobby group in Costa Rica, the country´s fisheries governing board, Incopesca reacted…

the journey to get a costa rica passport
The Journey to Getting my Costa Rican Passport

Costa Rica Expat Living: The Journey to Getting my Costa Rican Passport By Todd Staley October 31, 2023 Photo via Costa Rican Consulate. I moved to Costa Rica 30 something…

Fishing out of Crocodile Bay inshore
Fishing Costa Rica… Making Lemonade out of Lemons

WhatsApp Facebook X Email A rainy day turns into an inshore fishing extravaganza in Southern Costa Rica Diego Torian visited Costa Rica again recently to film another episode of his…

Costa Rica Marinas Observe Worlds Ocean Day

Celebrating World Ocean Day in Costa Rica Respect the Ocean! By Todd Staley Published by The Tico Times June 5, 2023 As I prepare for yet another surgery this week…

Todd Staley and his grandson
Costa Rica Expat Living: My Kid Brother

Watching kids fishing in the pueblo brings back memories of my kid brother From the Captain’s Vault by Todd Staley This week would have been my little brother´s birthday. He´s…

Costa Rica Expat Living: My Kid Brother

Fishing with kids in Costa Rica Watching kids fishing in the pueblo brings back memories By Todd Staley March 30, 2023 Published for The Tico Times This week would have…

A Tattoo called him to Costa Rica

A Tatoo On a Fishing Guide’s Leg in Alaska Set His Journey in Motion Todd Staley April 4, 2022 While fishing at Scott Lake Lodge in Canada, Tom Olivo noticed…

My Costa Rican Turtle Poaching Expedition

My Costa Rican Turtle Poaching Expedition From the Captain’s Vault Todd Staley December 4, 2021 Thirty years ago I had just arrived in Barra del Colorado, Costa Rica to begin…