Aerial view los suenos marina
The Evolution of Sport Fishing in Costa Rica

How Costa Rica Became Costa Rica August 13, 2020 Published by InTheBite By Elliott Stark With all of modern Costa Rica’s ease and amenity, it is easy to forget that…

Happy Mothers Day Costa Rica
Costa Rica Celebrates Mother’s Day in the Time of Covid19

Costa Rica Celebrates Mother’s Day in Costa Rica amid Covid19 lock-downs and strict self distancing rules. Mother’s Day or Día de la Madre is a National Holiday and one of…

Todd Staley with Hemingways Captain Georgio Fuentes
My time in Cuba with Hemingway’s Captain Georgio Fuentes

Reflecting on my time in Cuba with Georgio Fuentes Captain of Hemingway’s Pilar During the Pandemic Costa Rica has seen a resurgence of exotic wildlife …and lots of big fish…

Huge Marlin Approximately 900lbs Released in Costa Rica

Sickafoos out of Garza, Costa Rica Releases Marlin Approximately 900lbs Costa Rica is world famous as a destination for releasing marlin but a catch of this size is rare. This…

Costa Rica Corona Virus
Postpone, Don’t Cancel Your Fishing Trip – Updates on COVID19 in Costa Rica

Please support Costa Rica fishing tourism and #Postpone, don’t #Cancel your Fishing Trip. Gracias! Here’s what you need to know today in Costa Rica Today August 9th, 2020 Costa Rica…

costa rica conservation sharks
Video of Hammerhead Shark Stealing Tarpon from Costa Rica Anglers

Anglers fishing for tarpon outside of Rio Parismina in Costa Rica get a surprise visit by a hammerhead For immediate release Monday August 3, 2020 Parismina, Costa Rica – A…

how to tell between black and blue marlin
Do I Have a Black or Blue Marlin on my Line?

Black Marlin vs Blue Marlin Differences How they’re alike, how they’re different By Capt. Cory Gillespie June 29, 2020 Black marlin are among the most sought-after game fish in the…

baby roosterfish costa rica
Baby Roosterfish Captured on Video in Costa Rica

Amazing juvenile roosterfish captured on video in Costa Rica Anthony Carmona captures video of baby Roosterfish in Costa Rica with release! Everyone loves cute little videos of animals, but this…

Costa Rica Kayak Fishing Sailfish
Kayaker Releases Monster Sailfish in Costa Rica

Giant Sailfish Released from Kayak Captured on Video Gary Salazar releases a giant sailfish from his kayak while fishing only about a mile offshore Costa Rica is renowned as a…

Blue or Striped Marlin?
Marlin Science – Striped or Blue?

Striped or Blue or Marlin? How to tell the difference between blue and striped marlins – it’s not just the stripes The Marlins are probably every sport fishing angler’s dream…