Weekend – Anglers Getting Anxious to Comb Costa Rica’s Beaches
Pictured above – A Roosterfish comb breaks the surface of the water to the delight of nearby shore casters Traditionally this is the time of year when Costa Rica fishing…
Pictured above – A Roosterfish comb breaks the surface of the water to the delight of nearby shore casters Traditionally this is the time of year when Costa Rica fishing…
Video: Taking fishing to the next level in Costa Rica For someone so young, Tosh Talbot is setting the billfish fishing bar very high Weekly Fishing Blog By FECOP Staff…
Costa Rica Celebrates Independence Day at Home and on the Water Costa Rica Celebrates Independence Day – If you’re from the USA the miles of red, white and blue seen…
More Than Just Fishing – A Humpback Whale Takes Center Stage on Costa Rica’s Golfo Dulce And even more amazing is the baby humpback mimicking her with a breach of…
FECOP Lobbies to Push Tuna Purse Seine Fishing 200 Miles Off Costa Rica’s Coast The proposed law calls for moving tuna fishing from 40 to 60 miles offshore in Costa…
Article Translated from Periodic Mensaje, Costa Rica Sport Fishing Tourism in Costa Rica Creates 13 Thousand Jobs and Injects Over 500 Million Dollars Annually to the National economy – Our…
How Costa Rica Became Costa Rica August 13, 2020 Published by InTheBite By Elliott Stark With all of modern Costa Rica’s ease and amenity, it is easy to forget that…
Costa Rica Celebrates Mother’s Day in Costa Rica amid Covid19 lock-downs and strict self distancing rules. Mother’s Day or Día de la Madre is a National Holiday and one of…
Reflecting on my time in Cuba with Georgio Fuentes Captain of Hemingway’s Pilar During the Pandemic Costa Rica has seen a resurgence of exotic wildlife …and lots of big fish…
Sickafoos out of Garza, Costa Rica Releases Marlin Approximately 900lbs Costa Rica is world famous as a destination for releasing marlin but a catch of this size is rare. This…