Satélite de la NASA vigilará mareas rojas en Costa Rica
Satélite de la NASA vigilará mareas rojas en Costa Rica El proyecto observará las algas desde el espacio, con el propósito de entender su posible impacto en actividades productivas como…
Satélite de la NASA vigilará mareas rojas en Costa Rica El proyecto observará las algas desde el espacio, con el propósito de entender su posible impacto en actividades productivas como…
Por Damián Martínez Fernández Director de conservación y política pública, Federación Costarricense de Pesca FECOP Estamos en una encrucijada crítica para el futuro de la pesca en Costa Rica, y…
Costa Rica should pay attention to the way Guatemala protects sailfish from commercialization and its affect on sport fishing tourism in the country Due to smart billfish conservation, Guatemala is…
New ruling to reduce sailfish bycatch not all that it appears The Casa Presidencial recently announced a ruling by INCOPESCA of a reduction in the amount of incidental catch allowed…
Facts, Sources and Infographics Link to full PDF in English and Español Blue Marlin (Makaira nigricans) Current all tackle record: 1376 lbs (624.14 kg) (IFGA) What is their average size…
Dysfunctional Family: Breaking down the diverse group of entities who govern, use and protect Costa Rica’s fisheries Todd Staley July 15, 2021 Costa Rica is bordered on two sides by…
Show your customers that your business supports sustainable sport fishing practices and ocean resource management in Costa Rica To get a FREE listing with link to your site on our…
FECOP, la Federación Costarricense de Pesca, expresó su decepción por el retraso de una reforma de la ley de atún que habría brindado una mejor protección a los delfines y…
Local Girl Experiences the Thrill of Catching a Roosterfish in Costa Rica Fishing during the Covid19 Pandemic in Costa Rica Although sport fishing tourism has all but dried up in…
Quepos Hosts Women’s Fishing Tournament in Quepos, Costa Rica This Week For the first time in Costa Rica, women who love sport fishing will go to sea in a world-class…